Tag Archives: art

Priest Slaves Over Art

29 Nov

The development and preservation of the Underground Railroad was a dangerous undertaking. It was made up of numerous escape routes that started in whatever location there were souls brave enough to reach for freedom.  The steps they took played a big part in the freedom many have to walk these now defunct routes.  University of Louisville Professor Mark Priest dynamically recreates on paper and canvas the harrowing experiences of Underground Railroad conductor – Harriet Tubman.      


In the U. S. many slaves were safely carried to freedom. This monumental undertaking has virtually gone unnoticed.  Over the past seven years this has been the subject of Priest’s artwork.

The viewer will find no noted heroes of the traditional kind. Those who play the role of hero and heroine in these works are the men and women who risked their lives and the lives of their families to preserve the UGRR.  Each painting helps to memorialize a dangerous occupation that played a crucial role in the advancement of American society. In an ever changing and developing era these artworks are the chronicles of an almost silent part of history.

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Priest began his research in 2003 and in May of 2004 he followed the routes Tubman used to take passengers to freedom.  Forever etched in his memory are an infinite number of untold stories of individuals who toiled tirelessly to attain freedom.  Many events were recounted to him  by noted historians, genealogists and descendants while traveling through, Maryland, Delaware, New York, and Canada; retracing the steps of many who went before him on this route to freedom.  The wealth of personal experiences and detailed information he obtained is the foundation of over 200 works of art.

Dramatic compositions portray the intensity of  times. The life Tubman chose was one of uncertainty.  Every moment could have been her last.  She carried on undaunted and these are the ideas that Priest portrays. Figures tug, heave, hoist and drag depicting the mental, emotional, and physical prowess needed to succeed on the UGRR.  Every muscle is strained to the limit.  Vibrant color and light lead the eye through the compositions.

Priest wants the viewer to share both the positive and negative experiences of Tubman, her family, masters and passengers on the UGRR.  His aim? To give a candid portrayal of the enormous effort that went into changing the tides of history for the African-American. 


  1. www.markpriest.org
  2. www.ket.org/painting/priest.htm
  3. http://louisville.edu/art/faculty/mark-priest-m.f.a